⚓ Carrack Venetian ⚓
1500 A.D.
The Venetian Carrack... ( from the: A Short History of the Sailing Ship by Romola Anderson , R.C. Anderson )
At the beginning of the 15-th century the big seagoing saling-ship had one mast and one sail. Fifty years later she had three masts and five or six sails. Unfortunately this great change comes just at a time when we are very badly off for pictures or descriptions of ships. English inventories of 1410-12 have benn publishedn and these give little light on the first stage of the change, but after that comes darkness. Other inventories of about 1425 are known to exist, but they have been not yet copied and printed.
The documents of 1410-12 show that one ship in the English Royal Navy - and only one- had more than one mast; she had "I mast magn." and "I mast parv." - in other words, one big mast and one small mast. The latter may have been in the top as a topmast. We are not told which, but the reference is very important as being the first evidence of a second mast in Northern waters.
It must be noted that this small mast was found in a ship called the "carake" and a carrack was by origin a Mediterranean type...
The name 'carrack' was not new. It occurs in Spanish documents before the end of 13th century, and there is an account of the capture by Spanish galleys in 1359 of a large Venetien carrack; but it is in the 15-th century that the carrack was in her prime, and we see her then as a three masted ship developed by the southern nations from the Northern one-master and then taken up all over Europe. Genoa was the chief port...
Ther were Venetian carracks as well, but usually the wessels from Venice were galleys,... designed and equipped for long voyages and cargo-carrying.
... From the book : A Short History of the Sailing Ship by Romola Anderson , R.C. Anderson
Velencei karakk (1500-ból) építése ( lásd még a hajomakett.hu oldalon ...)
Elõre közlöm, hogy sok mindenben a 'Flamand karakk' építéséhez fogom hasonlítani a hajó építését, ezért elõre is elnézést kérek.
Ezt a tervrajzot az oldalon találtam még valamikor. Némi kutatás után kiderült számomra, hogy az eredeti makett a madridi tengerészeti múzeumban található, és a tervrajzot az alapján rajzolták. Eddigi tapasztalataim alapján célszerûnek találtam a tervrajz teljes digitalizálását, nehogy a bordatervekkel, vagy egyéb építési csomóponttal problémába ütközzek. Az eredeti bordatervek digitalizálása során elõ is került az elsõ probléma. Az eredeti rajz tartalmazza az összes bordát, de sajnos nem mérethelyesen, ezért alapvetõen használhatatlannak bizonyultak. A vonalrajz alapján új bordatervet kellett készítenem. A többit képekben