⚓ Flyer 15, racing hydroplane ⚓
Flyer klasszikus sikló versenycsónak
About the Flyer hydroplane
Designed by Bruce N. Crandall approx. 1936. Flyer is the largest of the Crandall hydroplanes, Class C 135 Cu.
Absolut maximum speed, is the cry of many race drivers. For Race, they want a boat that will go fast-suficiently fast to win, and it will, other features of it do not matter.
The 135-Class Flíer is designed to give maximum speed , but maximum speed under normal comopetitive conditions. Factors of design giving straight-away speed, turning ability, and ability to ride rough water have been so proportioned that in an actual race a high peak of speed is reached...
This new Flyer has been particularly designed to meet competition in this class, the design having been made since the announcment of the new boat measurement requirements in the 1936 rules.
These new rules call for a boat not less than 13 1/2 feet long ( waterline lenght) and with a beam of not less than 4 feet, 4inches.
As can be seen from the draving, a perfect stream-lining has been achieved. The 135-Class Flyer has been designed on the principle of carrying most of the weight on the foreplane, so that a wide afterplane is not necessary. While lenght and beam are somewhat over the minimum prescribed, because ot its shape it is, really, a small boat...
The most important measurements are as follows: over all lenght 15 feet, 2 inches; waterline lenght 14 feet, 8 inches; lenght of afterplane 5 feet, 8 inches; height of step 1 1/2 inches; waterline beam 5 feet;beam of running surfaces, at step 40 inches, and beam at the transom should be 16 inches.
Building the Flyer model - A Flyer építése
Flyer racing hydroplane design, Class C 135 cu.